Here is the Process for an Energy Clearing Session
These Energy Clearings have a lot of moving parts so they are broke down into multiple emails as not to overwhelm you. There is more information needed for the first one than the follow ups. Once your etransfer for the clearing is received, you will be sent the following emails
1) informed consent to sign and return to me
2)any additional information needed for your clearing so that I can tune into your energy
3)how to send your Soul Sounds (customized Sound Healing)
4)wetransfer with soul sounds
5)tips for listening to Soul Sounds
6)your voice chart
7)your mini card reading offering insight into the personal issue you want cleared
*Once the information is received we will arrange a day and time to do your clearing
*On the day of the clearing I will contact you through your preferred method about 15 to 30 minutes before I start with suggestions of what to do before the session
*I will contact you again when I start doing your session, after I ask if you energy will allow you to be worked on. If the answer is no I will let you know and we will reschedule it. If it is a yes I will continue. There will be NO physical contact between us during the session only energetic (reason for this found below**)
*During the session you can choose to do nothing, meditate, or listen to your Soul Sounds, something you find relaxing or combine one of them with listening to Soul Sounds
*First I release resistance to this healing and boost acceptance of the healing, setting the intention that you receive the frequency you are ready and able to receive at this time that are for your highest and best good
*I will work on what your body is asking for, using muscle testing for which ones your body soul and spirit are asking to be released at this time, this includes the person issues you wanted clear as well. At the moment there are about 70 groups of frequencies of that have been created to clear, muscle testing is used to see which ones to use. Once those are cleared then I boost positive ones
*During the session I can receive images & words, which I share with you in the information you receive with the what was cleared
*The session will last anywhere from 30 minutes to 60 minutes. This is determined by your energy, I ask if there is anything else that can be worked on; if that answer is yes I continue, if the answer is no I stop. Other than the personal clearing there will be multiple layers that are cleared
*As this is subtle energy, you may feel something during the session or you may not, everyone is different and so is their experience
*Within the week, you will receive 2 additional emails
1)an email with what I was working, numbers representing what was cleared and any visions/insights I received during the session
2)the second email will explain of the numbers from the first email meant, sharing exactly what was cleared
I also like to send one last email, a short questionniare that is optional so that I can improve the simplicity and quality of the service
***WHY this is a remote service and not done in person or through zoom
If this was done in person or through Zoom, most of the time you would just be sitting around quietly while I work on my energy releasing devices. When I am alone, I better able to focus and get in an energetic zone, connecting with spirit, which allows me to be more efficient and effective in clearing the energies and I am able to offer you the best session possible
