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Do you have a question?


An area of your life you would like insight into?


Channeling could help you with this. These channelings are designed not only to share messages  & visions but also offer your tools to you can use to help support you & the insight given. 


Prior to the 30 minute Channeling  I unplug from ego, preconceived notions and anything not serving the channeling, any unknown and unknown karma between us in all times, spaces and levels. Then align with you and your higher self, before connecting with pure source energy, allowing guides, angels, ancient ones and pure spirit to take the lead; allowing them to share messages, images, tools and coaching to help you on your journey and give you insight to your question and or life. They share what they feel you need to hear, not necessarily the question you inquired about


These are NOT scheduled sessions as they need to flow in order to offer the best insight, wisdom and advice possible to you. My guides, angels, ancient ones and pure source let me know when the time is right to do the channeling for you


After your channeling is done you will receive a Video of the channeling and any other tools, oracle cards, and additional resources it was shared to include




What is Channeling?

Channeling is a natural form of communication between humans and angelic beings, nature spirits, non-physical entities, or a person’s Higher Self. A channeler is very similar to a language translator or interpreter. They allow themselves to sense the non-verbal communication from another being and then translate it into human words. This can be words heard as thoughts, feelings or visions being shown.​

Misconceptions about Channeling

A popular misconception is that a channeler must go into a deep trance state, or surrender their body and/or mind to the beings sharing their wisdom. During my channelings these beings do not enter my body or mind I connect and align with them.  Channeling is similar to any other form of communication –  where messages are expressed in a way so that the channeler can receive them. I remain aware of themselves and the activities going on in the room, while at the same time focusing their senses and attention to the messages, thoughts, feelings and visions being shared. I do not leave my body or surrender my mind during the communication process.

More information or book a session



Text: 403-392-6885

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