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Card Readings 

​Unlock the wisdom of Oracle Card readings with us. We help you gain insight into any questions you may have and shift the energy surrounding those inquiries. Our intuitive insights guide you on your journey, providing clarity and understanding. Empowering you in the process as you choose the deck that resonates with you. Let us illuminate your questions with our intuitive insights


This is all done remotely, as we find we are better able to tap into pure source energy, offering you a better oracle card reading, while empowering you to tap into your intuition by choosing the details and guiding how your experience will happen.


Body Regen is included in every reading in addition to the deck of your choice

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fairies oravle cards.jpg
Declutter Declutter Declutter (3)_edited
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Purple Flower
Purple Flower
Purple Flower

Information For Card Reading

Please take a moment to fill out the form.

Thanks for Request!​


We will contact when we receive your information 

More information or book a session



Text: 403-392-6885

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