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What Frequencies were released during your Intuitive Personal Clearing


Updated: Jan 12, 2024

Here are the descriptions of the numbers of what I can clear during an Intuitive Energy Clearing Session. They are in numerical order. Each number represents multiple things cleared.

When someone gets a clearing they may not all resonate with you or apply to your situation. I always set the intention that whatever needs to be cleared is cleared and what does not is ignored.

When I do a clearing I only have numbers on what I am clearing, which is decided through muscle testing & intuitive guidance, I have no ideas what was specifically cleared.

Description of Frequencies

1 - all negative messages from parent, teachers, clergy, peers, family, media, influencers, celebrities & all other manipulative powers, all negative thoughts & beliefs of others taken on as my own, all scarcity beliefs

2 - all negative beliefs, messages & thoughts from parents, teachers, media, co-workers, gurus, psychics, doctors, society, clergy, celebrities, psychologists, counsellors, influencers, peers, governments & all other manipulative powers

3 - negative belief systems, negative perceptions, limiting thoughts & beliefs of ego, stuck old patterns & beliefs, All negative patterns, imprints, filters, habits, conditions, belief systems, thought forms, negative influences of others

4 - limiting thought forms, thought concepts, thought patterns, & thought structures, negative concepts, & belief systems, false beliefs, false habits, false conditions, thought bombs, toxic bombs

5 - distorted old memories, negative realities adopted from cultures & society, pattern of making a fearful past reality in the present & future, society & worlds, distorted concepts

6 - negative thought bombs, life damaging thought forms, mental arrow attacks, octopus thought forms subconscious repetitive expectations & complex emotionally charged reactions

7 - belief the outside world is the cause of all negative, experiences, misery, situation, people, health, emotions & more in my life

8 - negative, hateful, angry, vengeful, depressing, jagged, chaotic, anxious, irritating, & toxic thoughts, beliefs & emotions, negative deep seated thoughts & beliefs, beliefs accepted as truth no longer serving my highest good

9 - malevolent intentions of others, deep emotional blockages, inferiority, unworthiness, irritation, contempt, arrogance, rejection, abandonment, overwhelm, bad habits, all labels given

10 - all negative mental & emotional armor, masks, belts, prisons, cage, or façade, all manipulation, control, exploitation, coercion, lower energies, emotional coercion & intimidation

11 - feeling unworthy, undeserving or unacceptable, sadness, guilt, blame, vengeance, insecurity, doubt, rejection, loss, interference energy, inferiority, spiritual gullibility, elitism, haughtiness, arrogance, disdain, condescension

12 - derision, jealousy, pretentiousness, gullibility, poor choices, error judgements, ignorance, indiscrimination, unawareness, foolishness, missed opportunities, lack of trust of life, energy vampires

13 -criticism from others, taking things too personally, insecurities, false source of happiness, confusion, feeling powerless, feeling intimidated, invasive or overshadowing energy, negative experiences

14 - defensiveness, false responsibility, resentment, blame, hopeless conditions, sadness, pessimism, false perceptions, all emotional & mental burdens, need to save everyone, feeling I need to earn love, illness, fatigue

15 - all persons, places, things, organizations, situations, memories, circumstances & anything & anyone else holding me in mental or emotional bondage, known & unknown, detrimental vibrations

16 - addiction, illness, inflexibility, egotism, coercion, condemnation, disrespect, negative attachment, grief, victimization, limitation, control, manipulation, exploitations, resentment, judgement, criticism

17 - adverse effects from negative situations, negativity, negative people, negative thoughts, negative places, negative experiences, false ego, distress, feeling trapped, limited, rejected or attached, emotional distress

18 - misery self imposed & inflicted, feelings of isolation, disconnection, separation, fragmentation, being alone, unloved & unlovable, blocks to the awareness of love presence, uncertainty

19 - unfulfilled life, sense of emptiness, feeling stuck, lost & desperate about life, inner conflicts, insecurities, stuck or frozen energy, all attachments no longer serving, past guilt, future fear, old self concept, conflict

20 - self criticism, self punishment, self abuse, self sabotage, self doubt, self hatred, self unforgiveness, self loathing, self contempt, negative self talk, self depreciation, self accusation, self annihilation

21 - self destruction, self effacement, self misperception, self imposed negative interference, selfishness,

22 - all physical, mental, emotional, spiritual & psychological trauma inflicted from someone trusted or in a position of power. all trauma known & unknown

23 - all trauma, known and unknown, physical trauma, emotional trauma, mental trauma, spiritual trauma, energetic trauma, psychological trauma, childhood trauma, past life trauma, ancestral lineage trauma, known & unknown

24 - small, contracted, dark, dingy, stifled, lethargic, jagged, sluggish aura, weak collapsed or punctures in aura

25 - past attachments, to people, places, experiences, memories, emotions, thoughts, beliefs, illness, disease &/or all other attachments no longer serving, distorted values & experiences

26 - all binding vows, contracts, bonds, agreements, pacts, promises, commitments, accords known & unknown made with a person, entity, or dark force, in this life & all past lives back to the beginning of time, old perceived reality

27 - evil intentions, veils of deception, curses, satanic rituals, dark agenda, dark energy, black witchcraft, hex's, spells, black magic (the next few vials do not mean that you are doing this just that you may be being affected by these energies)

28 - all negative impacts from satanic & demonic ceremonies, satanic and demonic energies & frequencies, spiritual attacks, dark vibrations & frequencies

29 - all luciferican , demonic & satanic ancient rituals, all negative impacts from satanic & demonic rituals

30 - all luciferican, demonic, satanic, & dark energies, all luciferian, demonic, satanic & dark portholes, all dark alien rituals & ceremonies, all luciferian, demonic, satanic & dark portals

31 - dark arts, all negative influences from reptillians & dracos, media black magic, worm holes, all alien implants, dark contracts

32 - dark & manipulative energies, all ill wishes intentional & unintentional, manipulative magic, generational curses, darkness under the surface

33 - psychic chains, psychic clamps, psychic traps, psychic jails, psychic deceptions, psychic coercion, psychic manipulation, psychic exploitation, adverse effects from psychic vampires

34 - psychic sponge syndrome, psychic vampires, psychic manipulation, psychic ties, psychic bondage, psychic nets, psychic hooks, psychic cords, negative psychic, influences, psychic plates, psychic attacks

35 - misperceptions about self, others, past experiences, memories, distorted & illusionary perceptions, negative past perceptions, projecting the past into the present & future

36 - karmic bonds known & unknown, all karmic seeds, bad karma, karmic & karma, known & unknown

37 - all data & memories, known and unknown not for my highest and best good

38 - all miasms, known & unknown (the subtle imprint of things illnesses that have been passed down through a family or place)

39 - all stress, all emotional stress

40 - slave to needs, putting need for external love above internal love for self, believing that no matter what I do I will never be enough, belief my worth is found externally, in my body & physical appearance, job, & intelligence

41 - all cords & hooks I've knowingly or unknowingly attached to others, all cords, hooks & attachments (during you life people can energetically attack a cord or hook to you and you can also do this to others, this is usually unknowingly done, cutting cords is a great thing to do especially with loved ones as when the cord is cut it seems to cut all the negative stuff, leaving the positive loving parts)

42 - all personal power given willingly or unwillingly to others, all personal power given willingly or unwilling to others to rule over me, all person power given away, known or unknown

43 - all adverse effects from medications, food, fast food, meat, water & anything consumed that was created & used to do harm

44 - all entities, invisible discarnate beings, earthbound entities & spirits, discarnate entities, astral entities, ghost, poltergeists, phantoms, spectors, detrimental energies

45 - all mind control, manipulation, brainwashing, mind altering, hypnotic commands, psychic attacks, negative emotional programming& mental influences known & unknown

46 - all adverse effects from the air, water, sounds. H.A.R.R.P, frequencies, medical procedures, chemtrails, technologies & satellites created &/or used to intentionally do harm

47 - all adverse effects from any and all vaccines taken & put in my body

48 - all veils hiding truths & all blocks & resistance to being able to see and accept these truths

49 - all adverse effects from all medical procedures known & unknown

50 - all vows taken, in this life & all lives to the beginning of time known & unknown, vow of poverty, vow of silence, vow of chastity, vow of invisibility

51 - all adverse effects from all experiments done to me known and unknown, all adverse effects from all experimental gene therapies taken known & unknown

52 - depression, anxiety, worry, fear, uncertainty, stress, anger, resentment, suppressed anger, quick to anger

53 - all adverse effects from all products put on skin, clothes, and used in home created &/or used to intentionally do harm

54 - all thoughts, opinions & beliefs expressed by others, all thoughts & beliefs of others known & unknown, taken on as my own, & negatively influencing my life

55 - ego

56 - victim perspective, victim vibration, victim energy

57 - all disease known & unknown, man made or organic

58 - blocks in all meridians

59 - all adverse effects from everything related to Covid 19, lockdowns, vax passes, mandates, lies, manipulation, loss of freedom, PCR tests, getting Covid, vaccines, drugs given to treat Covid 19, mental & emotional abuse & programming

60 - all implants, energetic implants, vaccine implants, alien implants, all implants

61 - trapped emotions, stuck emotions, all trapped & stuck emotions, known, unknown & hidden

62 - medical curses, all diagnosis's

63 - façade body, façade mind (set of beliefs so deeply entrenched that it forms a mental armor, mask, belt, prison, cage or façade: mask or veil you wear, a false persona you project to hide who you really are)

64 - all accumulated, known & unknown trauma from what doctors told me regarding my child, my child's health & my health, during my labor, pregnancy, delivery & post birth, words said by others that are negatively affecting me

65 - all accumulated known & unknown trauma connected to my getting pregnant, carrying & birthing my children & all experiences & things said to me during my labor, delivery & pregnancy that are still negatively affecting me

66 - all accumulated, known & unknown trauma from my conception, while my mothers was pregnant with me, my delivery & post delivery anything negatively affecting me now from what I heard or experienced while in the womb

RWS1 - disconnection & separation from God, true self, & subconscious, divided conscious & subconscious, disassociation with true self, forgetting who I truly am, internal conflict, neglecting self

RWS2 - physical, psychic, emotional, mental, spiritual, energetic, psychological disconnection & division from true self in all lives, ancestral lines, dimensions, & multiverses to the beginning of my creation

RWS3 - lost connection to god, real self, true self, conscious & subconscious, divided self, psychologically, physically, emotionally, mentally, &

RWS4 - broken internal relationship, all things blocking connection with self, true self, god, conscious & subconscious, lack of self love & self worth

SOUL- disconnection from soul, disconnected soul, fragmented soul, piece of soul knowingly & unknowingly given away, detached soul

2023 - all accumulated, known, & unknown, people place, events, thoughts, beliefs, habits, experiences, jobs, actions, data, curses, memories, diagnoses, patterns, behaviors, all known & unknown programming that occurred in the year 2023 that are no longer serving my highest good

If you have any questions or need any more clarification about anything please email me at


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