Here are some tips to Enhance your Soul Sounds Experience and a more about what the Soul Sounds are
What are Soul Sounds?
Soul Sounds are a set of sounds (frequencies) created specifically for you to harmonize stresses and imbalance in your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. This is based on 1 billion bits of information analyzed from your voice, which is your book of life and holds the frequencies of EVERYTHING that has been in your life, physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually. From these 1 billion bits of information a set of frequencies are created for YOU and your specific needs, what your body mind and soul are asking for. These frequencies act like a noise cancellation device, nullifying and releasing the stresses and disharmonies in your life. Customized Sound Healing at the tips of your fingers whenever you need it.
Your Soul Sounds will not sound like music. What you will be listening to is something called the Golden 6 Waveform. This is when 6 different frequencies are all playing at the same time, like Binaural Beats x3, offering an opportunity to clear even more.
Quick Tips to Enhance Soul Sounds Experience
*In the beginning listening to your Soul Sounds ONCE a day, these can be very powerful and can shift things and bring them up. Just before going to bed, in the morning to start your day and times of stress are wonderful moment to do this. Listen to your intuition, it will share with you when you need them
*ideally listen to your sounds through quality headphones or through a decent set of speakers as they have a higher range of frequencies that you will be able to hear. Listening through phone or computer computer speakers is not ideal due to the limited range of speakers, however they can be used with headphone and external speakers. Sometimes listening through speakers offers a more full body experience. Experiment with it and see what works best for you, which could change daily, depending on what your body, soul and spirit are asking for
*DO NOT play while driving a vehicle as you are reaching theta levels that slow your reaction time
*Volume doe not have to be high in order for the sound frequencies to reach you
*you do not have to lie down and relax while listening to sounds you can have sounds playing in the background when you are doing other things, going about your day like exercising, cleaning, cooking, meditating etc
*sometimes you will find deep relaxation. Other times you may experience much mind "chatter", emotions & past even
ts that comes up for clearing - try not to engage in these thoughts - try to look it at like you are watching a movie and are a neutral observer, being aware of messages and lessons they are sharing, emotions during this time can come to the surface, if this happens take a deep breath and say something like let go, let go let go
*some frequencies may be hard to listen to and annoy you or bring about a negative emotional reaction like rage, anxiety, dislike, fear, or annoyance. This is generally the one you need the most. When this happens it is an indication that this frequency has not yet been harmonized. As odd at it may sound this is actually good news, this means that your Soul Sounds have uncovered an aspect of stress in you & you are experiencing an emotional reaction to it. Keep listening to your sounds this will eventually diminish are it gets harmonized and clears the stress causing it. On the flip side if you do not have this reaction, your Soul Tones are still working on harmonizing your stress, just doing it a bit more gently
Ready to Start and Listen
*set an intention before listening to sounds, whatever you are hoping to get out of listening to the sounds
ie: I release that which is no longer serving
*there are 24 minutes 1 minute sound 10 seconds silence, notice if you hear something in the silence, if you do let us know and we will share what this means
*tone to the first 3 sounds, try to match the sounds that you hear as close as you can, sometimes using ah, ohm, hmmm works
*after you tone to first 3 sounds, relax and enjoy, or go about your day whatever you are choosing
General Tips
1. Many people wonder what changes they might see. this varies from better nights sleep, less mind chatter, relief from stress, release of old emotions and patterns to allow for new choices and moving forward in new ways. It is suggested to go in with no expectations and see what happens, be open to infinite possibilities. Everyone's experience is unique to them and can change with ever every listening. Trust that it is always what you need, in order to balance & clear multi levels of stress
2. the more you listen the greater the balancing effects. this is caused in part by the creation of new neural networks in the brain as well as energy field changes in the body.
*minimum of once daily is recommended, however listen to your intuition
3. it is suggested that a new Soul Sounds be created monthly however
*use your intuition, when you feel your are no longer getting as much out of your Sounds it is probably time for a new ones
*a sign that many people find is that they are no longer listening to their sounds regularly, when this happens it is time for new ones
4. as you shift and re-tune, so do those around you.
*your family members who hear your sounds will naturally absorb the frequencies they need and ignore the rest, this can also affect other people in your world like co-workers
5. Your Sounds are designed to bring balance and well being. it also allows you to enter "Choice Point" Energy.
*this means that you might have sudden insights into events in your life that may have been nagging your for a long time
*being able to access greater parts of your brain may be very helpful in re-tuning event which you previously regarded as negative
6. Sometimes people do not like listening to their Soul Sounds, as shared above about the triggering sounds, we encourage you to continue to listen to them. You will get through this trigger to the as it gets cleared & then it will no longer bother you when you listen to it. Until that happens you can try turning down the volume and see if that helps. Another option is seeing if playing through speakers instead of through headphone helps. Or listen to them while doing something else so that you are not so focused on the sound
*to charge your water so that you are drinking your frequencies as well. to do this
1)play your Sounds through a speaker and put your water beside it. The water will be charged with your frequencies. Experiment with it have a control glass and a glass you put by the speaker and see if they taste different
*put the speaker by your bath and play the Soul Sounds, this will charge your bath water with the Sounds and your bodies biggest organ will be absorbing these.
If you have ANY questions feel free to contact us or check out the website under FAQ