1. Click here to let us know you would like to get your Soul Sounds done
2. Follow the link below to watch the video OR continue to step 3 - 5
3. Take a “voice sample”.
Record your voice for 20 seconds, using a cell phone saying
Bay Bee Bye Boe Boo,
Hay He Hi Hoe Who
Start speaking before you press record
Keep repeating this over and over for 20 seconds
4. Name the voice sample with your first name & date, email to
5. Make payment by
*sending etransfer to empoweringbalance@protonmail.com
*if this does not work let us know and we will find another method together
6. Within a few days of us receiving payment and you sending us your voice sample, you will be emailed a link so you can download your Soul Sounds, as well as
*tips for listening
*voice chart
*a questionnaire so you know where you started
If you need any assistance please do not hesitate to contact us at
